Friday, 23 August 2013

Cultural Networks Within Cyberspace

# Blog 2: Cultural Networks Within Cyberspace.

The virtual network Habbo Hotel, embraces equality to different culture groups within the site. It is a highly sub-culture network that displays diverse communication ores, which is dependent on whoever contacts you, while online. The idea of being in contact with someone that is generally around the similar narrative network; cultural background and beliefs is exceedingly probable. McNeill (2012) said that “ though in the twenty years since the World Wide Web debuted, more nuanced understandings of identity in cyberspace have emerged, suggesting close connections between “real” and “virtual” selves…” perhaps such a communication styles as that can be continued through virtual networks that hold such power and can exploit our online identities.       

Virtual networks, in particular Habbo Hotel expresses a world where reality is blended with virtual, allowing for the space and place becomes similar to one’s interpretation so it can be considered through an individual’s cultural norm. Custom is the reality, beliefs but the shadows which custom makes on the wall (Stanner, 1979 pp. 30)    

Within the virtual world of Habbo Hotel, users are located all throughout the world with many contributors from the U.S.  Unlike other online networks, Habbo Hotel specifically allows users to only share information that they acquire which is shown through each individual’s profile.  On the virtual site, Habbo Hotel there is also links that lead to other websites such as which gives the users other abilities to further join other virtual networks.

Often narratives can be described through ones story and can be language dependent but certain narratives that don’t match the norm are generally silenced (Van Luyn, 2013). However, networked narratives indeed construct a more formal approach showing that an online world can be majorly independent by ones self-conversation with a machine, alternatively exploring the fact that the internet changes everything (Van Luyn, 2013).            

Kathrine Wernerson.

Reference List:
McNeill, L.(2012). THERE IS NO “I” IN NETWORK: SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES AND POSTHUMAN AUTO/BIOGRAPHY. Biography 35.1. Biographical Research Centre
Stanner W.E.H. (1979) WHITE MAN GOT NO DREAMING, Essay 1938-1973. Australian National University Press, Australia.
Van Luyn, A. (2013) BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives, and the Making of Place, week 4 notes. [PowerPoint Slides] Retrieved from:  

Image Credits:
Panapticon (27.10.2011) Designing Tips for Global Websites. Retrieved From:

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