Friday, 20 September 2013

The Power in our Laps

Man on a laptop

"With the internet allowing ever more designers to collaborate on new products, the barriers to entry are falling. Ford needed heaps of capital to build his colossal River Rouge factory; his modern equivalent can start with little besides a laptop and a hunger to invent. Like all revolutions, this one will be disruptive."    
(Ryder, 2012, p. 3) 
The modern world is ever changing and there a constant leaps in technology and advances in ways of thinking and doing. Over 100 years ago the world had a total population of less than two billion. (Kuttainen, 2013, p. 5) Now the world population is approximately seven billion and each person has somehting unique to bring to the table. As mentioned in the opening quote all that a person needs today is a laptop and some passion or ingenuity to invent and this gives power back to people who have the ability to show the world their ingenuity.

StumbleUpon as a social network isn't exactly somehwere people post their ideas and there plans. Instead StumbleUpon acts a conduit or a gateway to places where people can find websites which have the ideas or the plans and methods for building, making, cooking or creating. During my 'stumbles' i mainly came across cooking recipes (of which there are alot) and they were just reflections of different ideas and method people had for cooking. But there were a few websites that were titled 'life hacks'. These little ideas or 'life hacks' are ingenious inventions or simple methods on how to make difficult things or expensive things easier or cheaper. On a grand scale it isn't a massive money making scheme, but with the use of the social network StumbleUpon it is a way of allowing people to show their ideas in a global and public setting, without the added addition of massive amount of money.

That's all there is, there is no more.

For the final time,



Kuttainen, V. (2013). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives and the Making Of Place, Lecture 8: Stuff. Week 5 Notes [PowerPoint] Retrieved From: 

Ryder, B. (2012, April 21). Manufacturing: The third industrial revolution. The New York Times, Retrieved from

Image Credits:
Man on a laptop [Image] (2012) Retrieved from:

Instagram Globalization

Through the process of globalization, my social networking site Instagram, has become a hive for advertising and marketing strategies. With over 100 million users, Instagram is one of the most popular and widespread, hand held only, social networks, not only appealing to the average citizen, but is very much in the interests of corporations. Powerful Corporations are known to have tight control over the geographical spread of networks, such as the internet, where the spread of culture though social networks reaches millions. Technologies have, “transformed the process and organization of production” (Dicken, 2007), so it is only fitting that corporations would follow these trends, creating a new market for profit.

Although globalization has a large effect on society, individually globalization can have an alienation like effect on people, distancing them from their own cultural values to replace them with an imported identity. This is especially evident within Instagram, where users are constantly bombarded with foreign concepts, allowing cultural diffusion to occur. Reaching the across the world, corporations use these online programs to promote their products and services. These companies usually create their own profile, allowing people to follow their page and share with friends. I have noticed the most used form of advertisement on Instagram, is in to form of competitions and prizes, where users share the page with their followers and are put in the running to win extravagant prizes.

These corporation have such a far reaching effect, that they control the economic and social aspects of our lives. Almost all first world countries operate under the influence of these corporations, constructing society as a whole. The following link will provide an essay on the effects of Globalization.


Dicken, P. (2007). Winning and losing. In Global Shift: mapping the changing contours of the world economy. London: SAGE Publications Inc. 

Tweets Going Global

Image from:

Twitter has never been an outlet for direct advertisements or marketing strategies, however it does use a more subtle form of advertising. Instead of advertising products and services directly like other social networks, Twitter advertises other users that you may want to follow. Once you click the 'follow' button on a user's profile, Twitter then feeds you a list of suggestions based on the profile you just followed. Twitter also has a column along the side of the home page in which there are users who are 'trending' in the world of Twitter; users who are popular and are followed by many other users on the network.

The following website talks about the algorithm used by Twitter in order to determine which users and topics are trending week by week:

Dicken (2007) states that “the era of globalisation has been marked by dramatic increases in technology, trade and investment”. Companies on Twitter are quite aware of this and so through tweets to their followers aim to broadcast their product loudly and clearly to the Twitter universe. These companies aim to be 'trending' on Twitter as once they are a popular topic, more of their product is out in the public eye and as a result they obtain more recognition and hopefully more success as a business. 

Globalisation is a huge influence on our world today, and Twitter enables this by creating a network that flows smoothly between users. Within this network it is easy to see the different interests of users and the links they have to other users by what they tweet about and who's posts they choose to retweet, as well as the kind of users they choose to follow. 
In this regard, Twitter has enabled globalisation to take place within their social network and continues to link people together from all corners of the globe.


                       Dicken, P. (2007). Winning and losing. In Global Shift: mapping the changing contours of the world economy. London: SAGE Publications Inc. 

                       Wilson, R. (n.d.). Trending on Twitter: A Look at Algorithms Behind Trending Topics | Ignite Social Media. Ignite Social Media. Retrieved September 20, 2013, from

Image Credits:

                        Barrell, A. (n.d.). Twitter To Allow Advertisers to Target Browsing History, Email Addresses. Adam Barrell - Entrepreneur | Twitter Enthusiast | Web Design | Social Media. Retrieved September 20, 2013, from

Facebook and Globalisation

Facebook and Globalisation
BA1001          Kendall Munro Monday 3pm

Dicken (2007) states that “the era of globalisation has been marked by dramatic increases in technology, trade and investment”. Facebook and other similar social networking sites play a large part in this through advertising. In 2012, studies showed that “65% of companies use Facebook as part of their marketing strategy” (Moth, 2012). With Facebook’s rising popularity, reaching 55% of the world’s population (Moth, 2012), it has opened a new door for corporations to attract potential consumers.

Facebook allows companies to create Facebook pages that advertise the products and services a company provides. When an individual ‘likes’ a page, Facebook screens this and then advertises similar items and services to that user through their homepage. For example if one were to like pages and groups connected to horse sports, they would find an increase of advertisements on their page that are linked to horse communities, equipment, and activities. Facebook advertises items from corporations that may be from the same country or from a country from the opposite side of the world. This helps the globalisation develop as it is encouraging its users to purchase goods from all over the globe.

However Facebook does not only benefit the businesses and corporations, as well as providing companies with an opportunity to advertise their products to a wider audience. It also gives individuals an opportunity to sell and buy items, like a virtual garage sale, through pages such as ‘Townsville Buy, Swap and Sell’. Through these pages people advertise unwanted goods for sale and also to advertise for items they are looking to buy. The community connects through this online garage sale, providing useful information, tips and sharing products with people in surrounding areas.

If you would like to learn more about globalisation and how it effects you please feel free to click on the following link to the YouTube video ‘What is Globalisation:


Dicken, P. (2007). Winning and losing. In Global Shift: mapping the changing contours of the world economy. London: SAGE Publications Inc. 

Moth, D (2012).  CTRs on Facebook ads increase 50% in the past 12 months. (May, 2012) Retrieved from:

Image Credit:

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Habbo Hotel’s “Stuff” and its Globalisation and Consumerism.

# Blog 6: Habbo Hotel’s “Stuff” and its Globalisation and Consumerism.


As an extensive statement “stuff” can be classified as a; matter, substance, material and thing. However, global networks can refer to “stuff” in a completely different fundament. Stuff can be used through international trade networks, transformations and can be used to provide developments of social industries worldly and globally. Dickens’, (2007) states that; the era of globalisation has been marked by dramatic increases in technology, trade and investment- and an impressive increase in prosperity. This is coherent with what was mentioned in this week’s lecture that “stuff” moves through a system; from contraction to production; production to distribution; and distribution to consumption all leading to disposal. All together this process is called the material economy (Kuttainen, 2013).

To other social networking sites Habbo Hotel may not be as familiar for globalisation/consumerism as to Facebook or Twitter. Yet, it is recognisable that Habbo Hotel is a globalised company that is multi-cultural; which criticises a globalisation, and online gaming network. It’s not just a network that focuses on one country; it is used throughout the world largely, allowing users all over the world to take part of. Still, this can mean that Habbo Hotel is a networking site for consumerism, which is essentially used, viewed and constantly updated as one’s secondary world, a virtual world which many online users acquire their reality world.

With the world today, globally we are using and consuming more “stuff” than what we are entitled to between our shares. Mostly the majority of the world’s products are intoxicated with chemicals, so what we know as our “stuff” can be factored at a higher cost but can be sold in marketing at a lower rate, resulting in workers who made that product to receive a lesser payment than what the purchase price is. This is called, externalizing; the true cost of production. (Kuttainen, 2013). Furthermore, Vili Lehdonvirta etal, (2009) article, which can be found on: discusses Habbo Hotel and the consumption of several online gaming networks; social networks and its abilities of consumerism and globalisation.
Reference List:
Dicken, P. (2007). Winning and losing. In Global Shift: Mapping the changing contours of the world economy. London: SAGE Publications Inc. 
Kuttainen, V. (2013). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives and the Making Of Place, Lecture 8: Stuff [PowerPoint Slide Notes]. Retrieved From:   
Lehdonvirta, Vili Wilska, Terhi-Anna & Johnson, Mikael. (2009). VIRTUAL CONSUMERISM: Case Habbo hotel. Information, Communication & Society, 12(7), 1059-1079. DOI: 10.1080/13691180802587813
Image Credits:
Jones, G. Richard, Ph.D. (11.09.2013) Communication in the Real World: Blog. Retrieved From:


Advertising through Facebook

Advertising through Facebook


Facebook has become a part of globalisation as it has spread all over the world (excluding some countries) and is able to advertise businesses, products and other desirable objects. Technology is a fundamental enabling force in the globalizing of economic activities.

As I stated in my first blog, Fisk, L. (2011) said in an article on, “Today and every day, 500 million users log-in to Facebook.” As of 2012, Facebook had reached 1 billion active users, and is still climbing in numbers. Facebook is a site that connects all these people to one another, giving them the ability to share thoughts, ideas, and life events with each other. We advertise on Facebook whether it is about a restaurant review, or a social event, or even just what we are doing for the day. However, our activity on Facebook enables Facebook to recommend businesses, products, and ideas that we may find interest in through the use of advertisement on Facebook.

On Facebook, we are constantly observed by our peers, and Facebook itself. In order to recommend advertisements, Facebook recognises our ‘likes’ on Facebook, and can send advertisements in relation to our likes. However, in order to gain more information about what your preferences are, when removing an ad, Facebook asks why you removed it by providing a series of options so it can re-evaluate which ads would appeal to you. However, Facebook is not limited to sending you recommendations according to your profile; Facebook also recommends pages that your friends have liked. Facebook also considers your relationship status as a key factor in recommending ads. When single, Facebook may advertise dating websites and exercise, but when in a relationship, Facebook would advertise engagement rings, weddings, and nice resorts, as this could appeal to you if you were in a serious, long term relationship.

For more information on how Facebook determines what advertisements to recommend, I suggest you look at the article on to find out what Facebook really knows about you and your interests.



Dicken, P. (2007). Winning and losing: An Introduction. In Global shift: Mapping the changing          contours of the world economy (pp.437-453). London, England: Sage.

Fisk, L. (2011). Leveraging the Power of Facebook. Retrieved at

Link Credits:

Image Credits:

Apple corporation and Chinese labor laws.

Female factory workers at Foxconn factory China.

Global corporations have been portrayed by many as using female labour in developing countries with little or no regard to the wages and working conditions within the factories in these countries who supply the products to the corporations. As stated in the reading in The Economist (2012), “a first generation iPad included only about $33 in manufacturing labour, of which the final assembly in China accounted for just $8”.

My virtual network of MacRumors rarely mentions the plight of the Chinese workers who assemble the products used by the contributors to the forum. However within the sub forum of MacRumors news discussions there are discussions and links to Chinese labor rights groups who have published reports on the use of child labor in some factories owned by suppliers of components to Apple. These factories are contractors to Apple and do not follow the code of contact Apple has outlined for suppliers to follow in relation to labor wages and conditions.

Apple has used its power as a major corporation to bring about some changes in China by changing its suppliers from those companies such as JABIL, which was found to breach labor laws to other companies such as Foxconn which although is now complying with the law has been in breach of these laws in the past. This company although owned by a United States based corporation is situated in China and therefore subject to the local labor laws which have been shown to have been poorly enforced. Further information on this supplier as investigated by ChinaLaborWatchorg may be found at


 (April 21, 2012) The third industrial revolution in The Economist.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Cutting out the middle man.

Photo taken by Vivian Davey - Barcelona, Spain.

When we think about 'winners and losers' of the global economy we may not be surprised to find out the major players who control and coordinate production networks are the transnational corporations (Dicken, 2007).  The worlds wealthy elite (a whole 20% of them) control over 80% of the worlds trade, investment and income (Dicken, 2007).  This handful of corporations control food networks, technology, consumerist goods and my favourite topic, music! 

My virtual network of Soundcloud directly undermines the capitalist corporations that have been the 'norm' in the music industry since the moment people realised money could be made from it.  Music corporations don't want you to listen to free music online or support unsigned, unknown artists because they're not making any money that way! But as the world advances into the digital age, more and more people are finding their music online, and despite the fact that they're illegal, file sharing platforms such as Piratebay continue to flourish as people share music and other media for free.  

As mentioned in the reading in The Economist, the digital revolution is happening, and soon enough people will be 'making products at home and marketing them globally from a garage'.  This is exactly the case already with Soundcloud where music is created at home, in somebody's garage or bedroom and shared globally to potentially millions of people.  Despite our reservations about the world wide web, the global sharing of creativity and ideas can only be a good thing to unite the people of the world.  To check out a blog  by a Greenville music student who obviously likes to rant (much like I do) about music corporations, check out this link!  

Remember fellow bloggers, support local and live music! 

Over & Out!

Lunar (Vivian Davey).


Dicken, P. (2007). Winning and losing. In Global Shift: mapping the changing contours of the world economy. London: SAGE Publications Inc. 

(April 21, 2012). The third industrial revolution. In The Economist. 

Photo credit:
Photo taken by myself, Vivian Davey - 'street musicians in Barcelona, Spain'. 

Facebook’s Impact on Globalisation and Consumerism

Image from:

According to recent statistics Facebook has approximately 1.15 billion users – that is over 1/7 of the world’s population! Due to this Facebook has become a huge participant in globalisation as at its fundamental core, globalisation is “the phenomenon of increasing interconnectedness across the globe” (Globalisation, 2007). This social media site is the leading site in connecting people around the world and due to its extremely high number of users it has become a great means for advertising to the population. Dicken (2007) states that “Technology is a fundamental enabling force in the globalizing of economic activities” (p.438).

One of Facebook’s underlying features that may not be recognised by people is how it analysing your statuses, likes and information to produce targeted advertising. This way of advertising is extremely successful as people are generally interested in the advertisements that are a part of the websites. And the advertisements can be about anything! If your relationship status says you are single, you are more likely to have dating websites come up on your screen or if you say you like a certain musician they will advertise their upcoming albums and tours on your page.
Facebook connects not only people with other people but people with products, items and other things of interest to them which contributes to globalization.


Dicken, P. (2007). Winning and losing: An Introduction. In Global shift: Mapping the changing    contours of the world economy (pp.437-453). London, England: Sage.

Globalisation. (2007). In Political Philosophy A-Z. Retrieved from          

Smith, C. (2013). How Many People Use the Top Social Media, Apps & Services? (September 2013). Retrieved from:   the-top-social-media/


Globalisation (Image). Retrieved from:       

Friday, 13 September 2013

YouTube Cook

Patel emphasises the power of large corporations in affecting what society sees. He said “Guided by the profit motive, the corporations that sell our food, shape and constrain how we eat and how we think about food.” (2007). Corporations thereby promote their foods a particular way so that it is appealing to the consumers. The food needs to be appealing and desirous to the consumer so that the corporation will make a profit. This is a form of control however. How the corporation presents something, will affect how society sees it. If they presented something negatively, then society will have negative thoughts or feelings about it, either consciously or unconsciously.

I consider YouTube to be one of the most controversial facilitators of corporate control. I say this because they don’t discriminate against anything. They even allow for commercials to play while the actual desired video loads. YouTube is the residency of TV programs that encourages the adventure, history, competition, and creativity of food; this includes such programs as Cake Boss, Master Chef, and Man vs Food.

YouTube also has a wide range of self made videos that critique, compliment, and suggest facts about food and good or bad restaurants of food or food experiences. Some videos simply showcase a person’s like or dislike of certain types of food.

In a way, YouTube allows for its members to be the ‘corporate’ and its videos to be the ‘product.’ The members are able to edit the videos in such a way as to spin a positive or negative approach on a specific topic. Members are also able to ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ a video, which will in turn affect how someone will view a video.

Kuttainen stated that “food is not just food” (2013). I agree. Food is so much more. It’s a way of persuading, controlling, empowering, and weakening society. It’s an identity and a lifestyle. It’s how we see ourselves and others see us. Food can bring people together in times laughter and enjoy, and in times or sorrow and heartache. Food is our ever constant companion.

To finish up, I thought I'd share this new recipe I found on YouTube that I tried and loved. I recommend it for any Nutella loving people. It’s easy to understand and taste is delicious. It’s a ‘Nutella Brownie in a Mug’


Kuttainen, V. (2013). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narrratives and The Making Of Place, Lecture 7: Food Networks. [Lecture] Retrieved from:

Patel, R. 2007. Stuffed and Starved: Markets, Power and the Hidden Battle for the world Food System.Great Britain; Portobello Books Ltd.

Jennifer C. (2012). My Nutella Brownie in a Mug - Super Quick! Retrieved from:

Image Credit:

Cooking My Way

World map of grain on plate
"One factor in the origin and persistence of foodways is that they often represent an important expression of our identity, both as individuals and in reference to a broader ethnic, class or religious grouping." (Atkins & Bowler, 2001, p. 273)

In this day and age all the food we eat at one time or another has come from or been influenced by a certain culture or cultures. In Australia we enjoy foods such as pasta, something Italian; curries, something Indian; and Tacos, something Mexican. As Kuttainen (2013) said "food is not just food... [it's] also an expression of our identity." (p. 2 & 6) Atkins and Bowler (2001) state that "in the early twenty-first century we might be tempted to think that the emergence of a global culture will annihilate local differences". (p. 280)

As an expression of our identity that could mean anyhting from culture, ethnic background or just the general preferences towards food that your parents have. In StumbleUpon there is a whole category dedicated to food and all things culinary. There are literally hundreds of thousands of different kinds of food and recipes to make these foods and each style is unique. As mentioned above, the emergence of a global culture may impact on differences in cooking, but in fact it has actually enhanced the different styles available. With the start of recipes on StumbleUpon they will often state either, this is"my favourite", this is how "my mother did" it or this is "how I do it". So from watching the influence of StumbleUpon fodd and cooking it can be seen that with regards to food, the online social networks are able to bring a person personal style and indetity to be seen by the world.

Until next time,


Reference List
Atkins, P., & Bowler, I. (2001). Food in Society: Economy, Culture, Geography. London, England: Arnold

Kuttainen, V. (2013). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narrratives and The Making Of Place, Lecture 7: Food Networks. Week 5 Notes [Powerpoint] Retrieved from:
Image Credits:
World Map of Grain on Plate [Image] (2013) Retrieved from:

Food and Facebook: Are our choices really our own?

Image from:
Food is an enormous part of human lives. We need it to physically survive, yet as Kuttainen (2013) discussed in her lecture although “food seems like the most physical thing to start with”, it has progressed to be much more complex than a means for survival. Our food choices and what influences our food choices have become more than just physically dislike or like. In a technology saturated society, the media has become increasingly intertwined with every aspect of our lives, including our food choices.
Atkins & Bowler (2001) identify that “food advertising does indeed affect people's diet” (p.291). This brings in the concept of power as only large, wealthy companies have the power to frequently advertise their goods on the multiple forms of media and hence, people are more inclined to buy these products and continue the cycle as money is put back into these companies.

Facebook is a huge participant in the continuation of this cycle. As Le Billion (2013) states in her online blog,  “Food advertising has also moved online in a big way, as it’s both cheaper and a means of exposing kids to more advertising than on TV”. Large food corporations such as Coca-Cola and McDonalds can afford to have numerous ads on Facebook which influence people’s food choices.

The function on Facebook that allows you to “check in” to locations also is influenced by this corporate power; large franchises are more likely to be included on the maps whereas small cafes and food businesses are not.  So if people are looking for places to eat at, these large franchises are generally the first options to arise.

 This brings up the question that if we are so influenced by the media, are our food choices really our own? Patel (2007) answers this question by stating that “Our choices are not entirely our own” but are governed by the power of the food corporations (p.2).
Atkins, P., & Bowler, I. (2001).The origins of taste. In Food in Society: Economy, Culture, Geography (pp. 272-293). London, England: Arnold.
Kuttainen, V. (2013). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narrratives and The Making Of Place, Week 7 Notes (PowerPoint).Retrieved from:
Le Billion, K. (2013). Food Marketing to Kids: What Every Parent Should Know. Retrieved from:
Patel, R. (2007). Introduction. In Stuffed and Starved: The hidden battle for the world’s food system (pp. 1-19). Toronto, Canada: Harper Perennial.

Twitter Fed

                                                                                                                                           Image from:

This week's reading and lecture looked at the topic of food in relation to social networking. I believe food has a very large impact on the social network of Twitter as it is one of the topics which is most talked about by users on the site. 

Kuttainen (2013) stated this week that “food may be seen as an expression of a person’s identity." Twitter allows it's users to post in conjunction with other social network Instagram; allowing pictures from Instagram to be shared on their Twitter profile. Users may even link the websites to each other so that Instagram pictures are automatically shared to Twitter as well; if you are curious this link discusses how to do this:

A large amount of these pictures have something to do with the topic of food; for example a user might tweet photos at a new restaurant they are eating at for the first time, or of a new dish they attempted to cook for the first time, or perhaps of a food they are sampling from another culture for the first time. This can show their followers whether they like to try new food or not, what they do for leisure as well as aspects of their personality such as whether they are adventurous or like to play it safe.

An interesting point I observed this week whilst on Twitter is that the social network does not allow for advertising, unless it is tweeting by a person the user is following. Unlike Facebook and other social networks on which business' may advertise their products on certain parts of the page, Twitter gives no space for outside advertising in this way. This largely influences the way Twitter users see food products and food in general. Unlike Facebook and other social networks, Twitter users are not subjected to advertisements through which “the corporations that sell our food shape and constrain how we eat and how we think about food.” (Patel, R. 2007).  
The main, and usually only, way a Twitter user will experience food through the social network is through tweets from a user they are following or a tweet they have posted themselves to do with food.


               Cabrera, P. (n.d.). How To Connect Your Instagram To Twitter | TWELVESKIP. Useful Tips And Resources For Internet Entrepreneurs - TWELVESKIP. Retrieved September 13, 2013, from

                Kuttainen, V. 2013. BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives, and the Making of Place, Week 7 Notes (PowerPoint). Retrieved from:              

                 Patel, R. 2007. Stuffed and Starved: Markets, Power and the Hidden Battle for the world Food System. Great Britain; Portobello Books Ltd.  

Image Credits:

                   Levith, W. (2013). The Plate by Cityeats: Twitter Fed: The Top 5 Food Tweets of the Week. Retrieved from:


Facebook + Food = Facefood?

Facebook + Food = Facefood?


In the lecture this week, Kuttainen stated that “food is not just food… food can be a repository of culture (a mirror) and a transformer of culture.” Food associates with one’s culture, and often we recognize countries through their food, like, when thinking of pizza and pasta, one might think of Italy, or when thinking of snails and frogs legs, we might think of France. Food has a way of bringing cultures together, as types of food are not restricted to one part of the world.

Food is quite present on Facebook, as it can be seen quite often, such as, when people post pictures of the food they have made, when people write statuses about restaurants whether they are recommending or critiquing a business, businesses can advertise their products on Facebook, posting recipes on Facebook, making group pages related to food, or when people use food in videos, such as Vines. Clearly, there are many situations where food can be involved on Facebook.

“Guided by the profit motive, the corporations that sell our food shape and constrain how we eat and how we think about food.” (Patel, R. 2007). This is similar to Facebook. We read what other people write about restaurants, which can shape the way we think about the food at that particular place, and could impact our decisions to go to that restaurant. This is much like Tuan (1991) who states, “language is a force that all of us use everyday, to build, sustain and destroy.” It is not so much the corporations that impact of views of food on Facebook, but more of our peers.

The image used in this blog was the image used in an article called “Facebook examines Facefood juice bar sign in Cardiff by Elise Jenkins. If you would like to read more about the relationship between Facebook and Facefood, go to


Kuttainen, V. 2013. BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives, and the Making of Place, Week 7 Notes (PowerPoint). Retrieved from:
Patel, R. 2007. Stuffed and Starved: Markets, Power and the Hidden Battle for the world Food System. Great Britain; Portobello Books Ltd.  

Tuan, Y. (1991). Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Taylor& Francis, LTD. Retrieved from:


Corporate Dinning

In April 2012, Facebook bought Instagram from approximately 1 billion dollars, allowing the site to be run by one of the most powerful online services. This change in power also led to many changes on Instagram, most notably the fact that all users need to have a Facebook profile before signing up to Instagram. The new connection between networks allowed all activity from Instagram to be presented on Facebook, encouraging the spread of social and cultural events, such as dinning to be spread more expansively.  

Is an image based social network, Instagram is notorious for a large amount of its users fascination with posting and discussing images food, mostly to the annoyance of their followers. The photo based approach to social networking has made tedious every day events, such as having lunch a common subject for conversation. Users are given the option to check-in to restaurants, cafés and even their own home, promoting these places to their followers. This ability plays a role in profile and identity construction, presenting followers with food and dinning preferences. This option also constructs a community’s cultural identity, spreading local food across the world through the use of social networking.

 International traveling allows users to post foreign food experiences. In this week’s reading, Buchanan makes a point that food webs, although initially small in size, through exposure these webs grow in size (Buchanan, 2002), similar to the sharing of food on Instagram, expanding the social food web and allowing cultural diffusion on a larger scale. Follow this hyperlink to see how culture spreads throughout the world, due to diffusion.   

Buchanan, M. (2002). Tangled web, in Nexus: small worlds and the culture, geography (pp. 138-155). New York, NY: W.W.

Picture reference:

Apple - A humble foodstuff or a global electronics corporation?

Image: Apple Logo
Large corporations control our consumption patterns of food in order to maximize their profits with little regard to the consequences for the producers of this food who are mainly located in developing countries (Patel, R. 2009). Apple Corporation displays the same tight control of production and distribution of their electronic products as may be seen in the production and distribution of apples as a food product on many worldwide supermarket shelves.

Unlike other consumer electronic companies Apple Corporation maintains strict control over the software and hardware available for their own product range. Apple gives consumers a very limited range of choice and maintains tight control of the global pricing of their products.

In my virtual network of MacRumors the Macintosh type of apple from which the original apple computer was named is the major form in which food is mentioned within the network. The logo for Apple Corporation has developed over many years however it has always been used in the advertising of the products to indicate a premium product comparing the Apple computer product to the actual premium quality apple for food consumption.

Kuttainen (2013) stated in this weeks lecture “food may be seen as an expression of a person’s identity”. This is expressed in MacRumors by the number of questions and answers from members wishing to gain further information regarding the use of Apple computers for graphic design.

 Apple computers have become the standard computer of choice within the graphic design and music production industries forming an integral part of these industries.

Additional opinions on using Apple products for graphic design and music production may be found at


Kuttainen, V (2013). BA1102: Our Space: Networks, Narratives and the Making of Place: Food:Networks.
Retrieved from

Patel, R (2007). Stuffed and Starved. Harper Perennial, Canada.